About Edumeres

The Edumeres (Educational Media Research) platform brings together the digital services offered by the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI). It enables central access to a wide range of tools and products for textbook-related research into educational media and practice.

The virtual network for international textbook research is primarily aimed at academics conducting research into textbooks and educational media but is also directed at teachers, students, pupils and interested members of the public.

The individual modules on the platform provide users with freely accessible publications relevant to textbook research (edu.docs), digitised historical textbooks (GEI-Digital), textbook reviews (edu.reviews), information concerning textbook approval in Germany (GEI-DZS) and textbook systems worldwide (edu.data) as well as international curricula (Curricula Workstation) and an information system with up to date news and events from the international field of education (edu.news).
A number of modules have resulted from research projects and as well as presenting research findings also provide access to teaching materials and primary source collections from textbooks (Zwischentöne, Pruzzenland und EurViews).

A central search function connects the content from all Edumeres modules and enables quick and uncomplicated searches for relevant content from across the platform. Search results lead the user to the respective module where they can conduct more detailed and specialised searches.

History of Edumeres
Edumeres was supported during its development and construction phase (2008 – 2011) by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture (MWK) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) and consisted, upon completion, of a virtual research environment (VRE) in addition to the information and publication modules. Edumeres has been an integral part of the services offered by the GEI since 2012.

The aim of the relaunch in 2016 was to modularise the digital services and tools offered by the GEI and to improve the integration of the various infrastructure products, to raise their profile and usability and to ensure their technical compatibility and connectivity. The VRE was therefore replaced by more specific digital tools for individual tasks in the research process. The web design and layout were also changed to reflect the Institute’s corporate design.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding how we can improve our services, please send an email to edumeres[at]gei.de.

You may use our Edumeres logo in reports, providing that the copyright is clearly indicated (Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research). You can find it on the website of the Georg Eckert Institute: http://www.gei.de/en/press/bildmaterial-logos/logo.html